- Date
- August 17, 2022
Okosso is a deprived community located in the Upper West Akim District of the Eastern region of Ghana. The community has a population of about 250 people. It is approximately twenty (20) minutes drive from Adeiso, the district capital.- Date
- August 17, 2022
Okosso is a deprived community located in the Upper West Akim District of the Eastern region of Ghana. The community has a population of about 250 people. It is approximately twenty (20) minutes drive from Adeiso, the district capital.- Date
- August 4, 2022
Okosso is a deprived community located in the Upper West Akim District of the Eastern region of Ghana. The community has a population of about 250 people. It is approximately twenty (20) minutes drive from Adeiso, the district capital.- Date
- August 4, 2022
This community is found in the Nsawam-Adoegyire Municipality of the Eastern region. It has a population of about 400 people.- Date
- March 3, 2016
Akorkorma Kperti is a village in the Upper Manya Krobo District of the Eastern region of Ghana.- Date
- March 3, 2016
Our trip to the island of Awodiokome was probably one of our most daring mission trips. As usual, before planning to go into any village we pray and seek the Lord's guidance.- Date
- March 3, 2016
Maecenas scelerisque lorem pretium convallis. Cras dolor sit amet, purus. Aenean aliquet, lacus nibh, interdum adipiscing elit. Proin porttitor sem.